TOT! router sled supposes using a plunge router.
Bigger plunge routers such as Festool OF2200, Makita 2300, etc. allow plunging the router bit in the range from 0 to 50 mm.
This plunge allows adjusting the depth of cut on TOT! router sled for dustless work in a range from 0 to 30mm with 20,30 and 40 mm long sealing brushes which are included in TOT! router sled, and a range from 0 to 50mm with the addition of optional 50 and 60mm sealing brushes.
Of course, without the additional lifting of the slab during the work if you set the slab as high as possible at the beginning.
TOT! router sled requires using a router chuck extension which is not part of TOT! router sled (sold separately).